A student who has completed all the admission requirements and who has presented a background of scholarship and performance that indicates the capacity to profit from and complete a degree program is admitted as a regular degree student.
A student who has met the general requirements for admission, but not those for full standing because the promise of achievement in the area of intended study cannot be accurately appraised at the time of admission, is admitted provisionally subject to conditions stated on the Certificate of Admission.
Only matriculated students carrying at least twelve semester hours are eligible for election to class and other offices (with the exception of the Part-time Student Council, and University Senate)
A full-time student is defined as someone accepted to the University pursuing an academic program, registered for at least 12 semester hours of credit each semester (excluding co-op terms).
A part-time matriculated student has been accepted into a degree program and registers for 1-11 semester hours of credit each semester.
An applicant admitted with permission to take courses for which they are qualified (met the prerequisites), but not as a degree candidate, is a special student. Special Students may later apply for matriculation and are subject to any changes in graduation requirements instituted prior to actual matriculation.
Students are classified according to the number of college hours satisfactorily completed:
Class | Semester Hours |
Freshman | 0-29 semester hours |
Sophomore | 30-59 semester hours |
Junior | 60-89 semester hours |
Senior | 90 and above |
All matriculated students are expected to declare their major before the end of their sophomore; however, some majors require earlier declaration if the student plans to complete within four years.
The student must earn a grade of “C-” or better in every major course. However, the student’s overall quality point ratio in major courses must be at least 2.0. In some cases, departmental requirements may exceed these minimums. If a student earns a grade of “D” or “F” in a course in the major field, the student can retake that course and earn a “C-” or better.
The University offers the option of selecting a second area of specialization. Like the major, the minor was conceived to provide a unified, coherent program in a discipline or area of knowledge. While requiring a second focus for the student’s intellectual interests, it enables him or her to investigate the important concepts of a specific area and to acquire a firm basis for further study.
In terms of career preparation, the minor option can complement a regular major program or it may add an entirely new dimension to the traditional curriculum. A minor is a minimum of 18 credits to be defined by the School and Department.
Students who wish to pursue a minor should obtain the Minor Request Form in the Dean’s or Director’s office of the College or School in which the minor is offered. Any student seeking more than one minor requires the Dean’s written permission.
The following minors are currently available at the University of Bridgeport:
Students who wish to earn a second Bachelor’s degree must fulfill all College/School and major requirements for the second degree and must earn a minimum of 30 additional credits beyond the number required for the first Bachelor’s.
Students who wish to earn a double major must complete all major requirements for both majors which might involve completing additional credits above those required for a single major. If the degrees are from different colleges, additional requirements may apply as well.
All students who have not declared a major program of study will continue to work with their professional advisor to identify appropriate curriculum plans through general education requirements and elective options. By the end of sophomore year, all matriculated students are expected to have a declared major.
The University provides academic and personal services to support each student’s effort to gain the best possible undergraduate education. Selecting a course of study, choosing a major, and deciding upon a career are crucial decisions for every student. The Advising System functions to assist students in designing their programs according to their individual interests and needs.
Students are assigned a professional advisor upon acceptance to the University. Professional advisors are available for consultation throughout the student’s tenure for purposes of academic advisement and assistance with course selection. When transitioning from first to second year, the student will be assigned a faculty advisor in the selected major; however, undeclared students will continue to work with their professional advisors until a major is declared. Advisors approve registrations for traditional undergraduates and program or major changes for all students. For assistance with non-academic concerns, professional counselors are available through the University’s Student Affairs Division.
The student must formally register for courses during the regular or early registration period. All charges for the semester are payable in full before or during registration unless the student has applied for the deferred payment plan. A program of fifteen or sixteen semester hours constitutes a normal load. No student will be permitted to register for more than eighteen semester hours in any one semester without the prior written approval of the appropriate College Dean or School Director.
All changes of registration are coordinated through the professional center. Students shall refer to the published course schedule and Key to UB to determine additional approval procedures and requirements for all program changes. The student must submit all approved changes of registration, including course withdrawals, to the Office of the Registrar by the published deadlines.
Undergraduate students may withdraw from any course with advisor approval. Course withdrawals may be requested up to the last date to withdraw from courses as published in the course schedule book or academic calendar. To withdraw from a course, obtain a Schedule Adjustment Form from the Office of the Registrar and take it to your advisor. Advisor’s signature is required to withdraw from any course. Return the signed withdrawal form to the Office of the Registrar for processing.
If a student officially withdraws from a course by the add/drop deadline, no grade will be reported and the course will not appear on the student’s transcript. On occasions a withdrawal is granted after the first 20 days for reasons beyond the student’s control as determined by the student’s advisor. In these cases, a “W” will be posted on the student’s transcript for the course. When a student registers for a course, but ceases to attend class without filing an application for withdrawal a grade of “F” shall be posted to the student’s transcript. Tuition refunds for course withdrawals will be calculated according to the University’s official refund policy. Federal Financial Aid awards are subject to adjustment when a student withdraws from the University. Cessation of attendance, notice to instructors, or telephone calls to the University, do not constitute official withdrawal from the University.
Undergraduate students are expected to attend their classes regularly. The instructor shall specify in the course syllabus at the beginning of the semester the extent to which the attendance factor will be taken into account when grades are calculated. Due allowance, however, will be made for such factors as illness, inclement weather, and severe personal or family problems.
International students must pursue a full-time course of study to maintain status and are required by the conditions of their visa to attend scheduled classes. Failure to attend classes may lead to termination of SEVIS records. Before making changes to their schedules, International students must speak with an academic advisor and consult with International Student Services. ISS is located on the Garden Level of Wahlstrom Library.
All student papers submitted to any instructor at the University must be of University standard in form, spelling, punctuation, and literary organization. Instructors may refuse to read or to correct papers that are not in keeping with the standards of good English usage.
Grades are an indication of the standard of academic work performed. Throughout their program of study, students will be continually apprised of their academic progress. Students’ grades are provided at the end of each course. Requests for official transcripts must be made in writing, accompanied by a $10.00 administrative fee which is submitted to the Accounting Office. Official transcripts are released by the Registrar’s Office only after all other offices have issued clearances for the student.
The University of Bridgeport uses the following academic grading system. The chart also describes the impact of each grade on a student’s academic progress.
A (93-100) | 4.0 | Excellent | Yes | Yes |
A- (90-92) | 3.7 | Excellent | Yes | Yes |
B+ (87-89) | 3.3 | Good | Yes | Yes |
B (83-86) | 3.0 | Good | Yes | Yes |
B- (80-82) | 2.7 | Good | Yes | Yes |
C+ (77-79) | 2.3 | Satisfactory | Yes | Yes |
C (73-76) | 2.0 | Satisfactory | Yes | Yes |
C- (70-72) | 1.7 | Below | Yes | Yes |
D+ (67-69) | 1.3 | Poor | Yes | Yes |
D (63-66) | 1.0 | Poor | Yes | Yes |
D- (60-62) | 0.7 | Poor | Yes | Yes |
F (below 60) | 0.0 | Fail | No | Yes |
Grades followed by an “R” on transcripts indicate that the course has been repeated.
Grades not used in the calculation of Grade Point Average:
P | N/A | Pass | Yes | Yes |
TR | N/A | Transfer Credit | Yes | Yes |
D | N/A | Dropped Course | No | No |
NA | N/A | No Start | No | No |
UG | N/A | Ungraded | No | Yes |
CLEP | N/A | Credit by Examination | Yes | Yes |
AU | N/A | Audit | No | No |
W | N/A | Withdrawn | No | Yes |
I | N/A | Incomplete | No | Yes |
EC | N/A | Credit Awarded | Yes | Yes |
EX | N/A | Experiential Learning Continuing | No | No |
AP | N/A | Education Credit Advance Placement | Yes | No |
Grade points are calculated by multiplying the number of quality points of each grade total by the total number of assigned credits for that course. The GPA is obtained by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credits attempted.
A student’s transcript identifies two different Grade Point Averages (GPA). The first is the Semester GPA, which is based on the courses taken only for that semester and the second is a Cumulative GPA (CGPA) that consists of all the courses a student has taken at the University and the grades received for those courses.
Students are required to repeat any course in which they have received an “F” or a “W” if that course is required in the student’s program, or if they have not earned a grade that meets program or major grade requirements. Students may also choose to repeat a course to qualify for graduation status (2.0) or generally to improve their CGPA. The most recent attempt, whether the grade is higher or lower, is used to compute cumulative GPA and used for academic requirements; however, both the higher and lower grades in the course remain on the student’s transcript.
Students may repeat a course only once without permission from the Provost Office. A request to take a course for the third time requires students to formally request permission by completing a form available online. Permission to take a course for a third time is not guaranteed and may require a meeting with the Academic Dean or Program Director.
Students receiving Financial Aid should check with Student Financial Services regarding re-takes of courses in which they have already earned a satisfactory grade. A student is not eligible to receive financial aid for repeating a course for the third time in order to achieve a better grade. The credits associated with the third repeat are not used in determining the student’s enrollment status for purposes of financial aid. In all cases, a student can only receive Title IV funds for one repeat of a previously passed course.
Undergraduate students may elect to take up to 6 courses in an academic degree program on the pass/fail basis. Only free electives may be chosen for the pass/fail option, and no more than two courses may be on that basis in a given semester. Request to take a course on the pass/fail basis must be made in writing on the appropriate form after registration in the course, but absolutely no later than the tenth day of scheduled classes in a regular semester, the fifth day for a ten-week course, or the third day for a five-week course. Students should review the complete regulations with their advisors before requesting the pass/fail option through the Registrar’s Office.
Incomplete grades (“I” or “R”) must be recorded by the date stipulated by the Registrar at the end of the semester. No incomplete will be so recorded by the Registrar unless it is accompanied by a clear indication from the course instructor of the nature of the work to be made up. The Registrar will provide appropriate forms with grade sheets. This information will be placed in the student files.
No student may withdraw from a course without the knowledge of his/her academic advisor, as indicated by that advisor’s signature on the change of schedule form or approval via the Drop/Add Web Form. Withdrawal “W” grades are assigned based on the following policy statements:
Students who wish to enroll in a course, without receiving academic credit, may audit the course. Non-matriculated students may audit up to 12 credits before matriculating at the University of Bridgeport. Audit status must be declared at the time of registration and requires permission of the instructor. If approved, the student is given the grade of AU. The AU grade cannot be changed at the end of the course. For students who are auditing, no assignments or activities are required; no grade is assigned, and no credit is granted for course completion. Students auditing a class are, however, welcome to participate in specific class assignments or activities after agreement with and at the discretion of the instructor. Instructors will prioritize feedback on any assignments or activities to students who are enrolled for credit. Laboratory and clinical courses are not available to audit. Students are responsible for any fees associated with an audited course and are subject to all codes of conduct. Exceptions may occur based on leave of absence status.
The following policies and standards define the minimum requirements for maintaining good academic standing in the undergraduate degree programs of the University. Higher requirements may be established by the faculty for specific programs, subject to approval by appropriate College committees, the appropriate senior administrator of the College or School and the Provost. Such requirements are described in the appropriate section of this catalog.
Good Academic Standing: A student whose Term GPA and Cumulative GPA are 2.0 or above.
The student who is not maintaining good academic standing will be permitted to remain in a degree program while attempting to reestablish normal academic progress, unless and until the student is subject to academic separation as described below.
A student may be awarded a degree only when all degree requirements have been satisfied. In particular, a student who has failed to maintain normal academic progress at some point, must have reestablished normal academic progress before a degree is awarded.
Academic Warning: A student whose term GPA is below 2.0 but the cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above.
When a student’s Cumulative GPA is below 2.0 but above the threshold for Academic Separation.
The following policies and procedures apply to all students, both matriculated and special.
Total Credit Hours Attempted (Includes transfer credits) | Cumulative Grade Point Average |
(full-time students only) | .75 |
1-24 | 1.50 |
25-48 | 1.70 |
49-90 | 1.85 |
91+ | 2.00 |
* Retaking a course does not count toward this total.
Maintaining satisfactory academic progress is essential in order to remain eligible for financial aid. Please refer to the financial aid section for further information on maintaining eligibility for financial aid.
A student will be notified of his/her separation before the beginning of the following semester. It is, however, the student’s responsibility to be aware of his or her academic status at all times.
Actions taken under the regulations pertaining to Academic Separation may have an immediate impact on a student’s eligibility for financial aid. Students may appeal actions taken pursuant to these regulations. Appeals must be submitted via online form by separation appeal deadline as indicated in the initial academic separation notification. An appeal of separation from the University that is granted places the student in a conditional probationary status until they meet a 2.0 cumulative GPA. The conditions of this status, including its maximum duration, will be specified in the Committee decision granting the appeal. Must wait a minimum of two semesters (excluding summer semester) prior to resubmitting appeal. Exceptions may occur based on leave of absence status.
1) Student must Meet with Student Financial Services then Academic Advisor;
2) Works with Academic Advisor to Develop Plan for Appeal using Appeal Template;
3) Student Submits Academic Progress Appeal via Online Form;
4) Form is Sent to Student Financial Services then Academic Advisor for Approval;
5) Form is Sent to Academic Separation Appeals Committee for Final Decision using Appeals Rubric;
6) Final Decision is Communicated to Student, Academic Advisor, Student Financial Services, Registrar, and Provost Office;
7) If approved: student will participate in Academic Success Program;
8) If denied: student will be withdrawn from the institution and is eligible to apply for readmission after two semesters (excluding summer semester).
An appeal of separation from the University that is granted places the student in a conditional probationary status. The conditions of this status, including its maximum duration, will be specified in the Committee decision granting the appeal.
Conditional Probation: When a student’s appeal is granted, he or she is placed on Conditional Probation status until their cumulative GPA reaches 2.0 or better, or until they are dismissed.
Students will be academically dismissed from the University if (1) do not maintain academic good standing after readmission from academic separation, (2) do not meet a course requirement(s) for selected degree(s), (3) do not change major as appropriate based on denial of third attempt request, (4) do not appeal academic separation status, (5) academic separation appeal has been denied, (6) committed a second academic dishonesty offense (graduate programs only) or third academic dishonesty offense (undergraduate programs only). Exceptions may exist on a program level basis or based on status of leave of absence. Please see program handbook for further information. Exceptions may occur based on leave of absence status.
1) Student is notified of dismissal by way of letter and email to UB student email from Provost Office or designee;
2) Advisor is notified of student’s dismissal status.
A student who has been separated from the University under the above provisions may apply for readmission to the University no sooner than two semesters after separation (excluding summer semester). Students who are not on an official leave of absence and who wish to return to University of Bridgeport must complete a readmission form through the Registrar’s Office or via online forms in the UB Student Portal. Students who wish to return to University of Bridgeport after 2 or more years may reapply through the Admissions Office. No course work at the University of Bridgeport is permitted during the period of separation.
Official transcripts of any colleges attended while the student has been away from the University of Bridgeport must be provided. The Office of Admissions, the Office of Student Academic Success, the Dean of Students Office, and the Provost Office will determine the student’s eligibility for readmission. A student who is granted readmission to the university may not be guaranteed readmission to the major in which they were enrolled at the time of academic withdrawal. All students who are readmitted after an academic withdrawal must comply with degree program requirements in effect at the time of readmission. Students previously on academic separation from the institution will be placed on continued probation until their cumulative GPA is a 2.0 or higher.
*Refer to programmatic handbooks for the regulations and procedures pertaining to graduate professional programs in the health sciences, counseling and education.
Students are expected to be familiar with and to comply with the University’s policies prohibiting plagiarism as set forth in the Key to UB-Student Handbook. Some courses utilize electronic screening to detect plagiarism, e.g., Turnitin. These plagiarism screening programs analyze the extent to which students’ submitted assignments constitute original content and compare students’ submissions to an extensive network of web pages, articles, and other student work in their databases. Using these resources, these programs produce originality reports which categorize submission content, determining what percentage of each assignment matches text found in their databases.
By enrolling in course(s), students consent to the above-described plagiarism screening programs and may also be required to approve specific terms and conditions of use when submitting an assignment. Students also consent to retention of their submission in Turnitin or other plagiarism screening platforms, but retain full copyright of their submission.
Students wishing to transfer from full-time to part-time status must secure the necessary forms from the Registrar’s Office.
Students wishing to transfer from part-time to full-time status must secure the necessary forms from the Registrar’s Office.
Students who wish to withdraw from all courses, and thus from the University, must submit an online Withdrawal Form. Students are encouraged to speak with their assigned advisor, program director, and Student Financial Services prior to submitting the withdrawal form.
If a student is marked absent in all of their courses throughout the day of attendance reporting, they will be administratively withdrawn from the University. If a student is not enrolled in courses for two consecutive semesters, excluding summer or active leave of absence status, the student will be administratively withdrawn from the University. Students with an expired leave of absence will be administratively withdrawn.
See Leave of Absence policy for more information. Exceptions may exist on a program level basis or based on status of leave of absence. Please see program handbook for further information.
Students may access the Application to Withdrawal form in their UB student portal. Students complete the online form. The online form is reviewed by Academic Advising then Program Director, then International Center, then processed by the Registrar’s office.
A student who officially or unofficially withdraws from the University must apply for readmission. Readmission is necessary with any break in attendance for full-time students and after a break of more than one semester for part-time students. A student who withdraws officially, or unofficially, and subsequently applies for readmission is required to meet the degree requirements and conditions current at the time of readmission. Students who have attended another accredited institution in the interim must present complete official transcripts with their application for readmission.
Applications for readmission are available from the Registrar’s Office.
Disciplinary expulsion and suspension may be incurred as a result of unacceptable conduct. See the Key to UB for rules, regulations and procedures for readmission.
Students who must discontinue enrollment for less than one academic year and who have a commitment to return to the University must submit a written request for a Leave of Absence to the Office of the Registrar. A copy of this request must also be sent to the Dean or Director of the student’s program.
Students who are in good academic standing and who have met all University requirements may return to the University at the beginning of any semester within the one-year Leave of Absence period. A leave of absence may be extended for an additional year upon approval of the program Dean or Director. A written request is required for consideration of an extended leave of absence and the leave will be noted on the student’s permanent record. Several University of Bridgeport’s Schools, Institutes, and Programs have policies governing leaves of absence from the particular school, institute or program, and students should refer to the relevant student hand book for more information. Extensions are granted at the programmatic level and are based on the timeline for a student to complete the intended degree.
A leave of absence will be effective on the first day of class for the upcoming semester. If a student receives financial aid, they must follow federal requirements for a leave of absence. These requirements include only being eligible for a leave of absence for 180 days out of the academic year. After 180 days if the student does not return from the leave of absence, refer to the Official Withdrawal policy. If returning from a Leave of Absence, the student must be enrolled by the semester attendance reporting deadline. Exceptions may occur based on leave of absence status.
Involuntary Leave of Absence. When a student exhibits behaviors which: (1) threaten the health, safety and/or well-being of any member of the University community, and/or (2) adversely impact or disrupt the University’s academic, residential and/or extracurricular activities, the University reserves the right to request or require the student to take leave from the University according to the terms of this policy. Involuntary leave is intended to be invoked only in extraordinary circumstances. This would include, but is not limited to, harm or threats of harm I) to a member of the University community; or ii) resulting in significant property damage; or iii) disrupting the educational environment. Before considering involuntary leave, the Dean of Students or their designee will provide the student with information regarding leave policies and available options. A student who wishes to take voluntary leave of absence rather than being placed on involuntary leave shall be allowed to do so.
If it appears that it may be necessary to place a student on involuntary leave, the Dean of Students will notify the student that involuntary leave is being contemplated and explain the reasons. Students shall have the opportunity to respond with information that they believe should be considered, including appropriate medical or psychological background and documentation which the student may desire to share. The Dean of Students will then convene the CARE Team. The CARE Team will review all available relevant information and shall assist the Dean of Students in making an individualized and objective assessment of the student’s ability to participate safely in the University’s residential and academic community, based on current medical information and/or the best available objective evidence.
A student placed on involuntary leave may appeal the decision using Chapter Six’s “Student Grievance Procedure,” and commencing the grievance at the Provost Level. When a student is placed on involuntary leave, the notice of involuntary leave will outline the individualized conditions for the student’s return. Conditions for return may include, but are not limited to, examinations by independent or school-employed health professionals, release of relevant medical records, compliance with treatment plans, and demonstrated ability to meet the University’s academic and code of Community Standards. A hearing, as outlined above, may be held to make an individualized assessment of whether the student is qualified to return.
If the Dean of Students or their designee denies the request to return from leave, the student may appeal that decision by submitting a written appeal to the Provost in accordance with the Student Grievance Procedure. This policy may be activated prior to issuance of a determination in the conduct process if the student has allegedly violated the Code of Student Conduct but it appears that the student is not capable of understanding the nature or inappropriateness of the action. The institution may also impose an interim suspension for threat of harm to others or a legitimate safety risk to self. Should an interim suspension be imposed, the student may request an informal show-cause hearing with the Provost, or designee, to show cause why the interim suspension should be rescinded or modified. Questions about this policy and its interpretation should be directed to the Office of the Registrar.
Students should first speak with advisor, Student Financial Services, and program director before submitting a Leave of Absence form. A leave of absence request can be found via UB Student Portal under Registrar’s Office forms.
Several University of Bridgeport’s Schools, Institutes and Programs have policies governing leaves of absence from the particular school, institute or program, and students should refer to the relevant student handbook for more information.
Students who interrupt their studies for a period exceeding five years must obtain written permission from the Dean of their College or Director of the School to apply previously earned credits toward their degree.
Note: The application of the Carnegie unit of credit has implications for graduation requirements, transfer credit policy, faculty load and for measuring program hours/income. The Carnegie Unit of Credit provides a guideline on the amount of time that a student is expected to dedicate to a one semester hour course in order to receive one semester hour of academic credit. The University of Bridgeport calibration of the Carnegie Unit of Credit is as follows:
Onsite Lecture Classes: To receive one semester hour of academic credit, the student is expected to attend a 50 minute lecture class per week and spend approximately two hours on assignments and study outside of the classroom throughout a fifteen week semester.
Online or Blended Learning Classes: Through Canvas or other online tools and blended learning, students would be expected to complete 2.5 hours of activities per week over fifteen weeks to receive one semester hour of academic credit. This would include activities such as reading and responding to posted course materials, discussion board postings, and Canvas discussions.
Onsite Activity-based Classes: One hour and forty minutes of engagement in discipline-based activity and fifty minutes of study per week throughout fifteen weeks.
Clinics, Studios and Laboratory-Based Class: 2.5 hours of laboratory, clinical or studio activity per week for 15 weeks.
Independent Study: 2.5 Semester hours of Study per week over a 15 week Semester.
Other Forms of Learning: Academic credit based on a demonstration of competency in defined academic outcomes will be the exception and will be based on accepted instruments approved by the Deans and Program Chairs. These can include CLWEP, CLEP tests, or examination of a portfolio by trained academics in the discipline in which the student seeks credit.
In all of these learning formats, contact hours and/or study/assignment hours would be increased each week in a summer or concentrated session to assure compliance with unit of credit guidelines.
Approved by University of Bridgeport Senate, November 30, 2010.
Matriculated students are expected to take the courses for their degrees at the University of Bridgeport. Permission to take courses at other institutions for transfer credit will be given only for good and valid reasons and must be approved in advance and in writing by the student’s advisor. Permission will not be granted for courses currently offered by the University or courses within the last thirty semester hours before graduation, or for courses previously failed at the University.
Matriculated students may not take courses at junior or community colleges for transfer credit at the junior or senior level toward their degrees.
Some students acquire mastery over course subject matter through prior work or training experience. Many departments have developed examination and other assessment procedures to provide the possibility of credit for those experiences which correlate to specific course offerings in the University Catalog.
CLWEP credit may not be used to satisfy the minimum University 30-hour residency requirement. CLWEP credit is included in the student’s semester hours earned at the University and also in the total number of UB hours used to determine eligibility for graduation honors. However, such credit is not computed in the student’s quality point ratio at the University. Information on subject matter and evaluation procedures is available in the office of the Provost.
The University of Bridgeport participates in the Educational Testing Service’s College Level Equivalent Proficiency Exam program. The basic purpose of this program is to give the student and non-traditional learner a means for assessing their levels of achievement and for requesting college credit for such achievement.
Undergraduate students may earn up to 30 semester hours of credit (one year’s studies) by demonstrating subject area competence through testing. CLEP credit may not be used to satisfy the minimum University 30-hour residency requirement. CLEP credit is not included in the student’s credit hours earned at the University of Bridgeport and is not computed in the student’s quality point ratio at the University. CLEP credit is not considered in the total number of UB hours used to determine eligibility for graduation honors.
Information on subject matter and testing procedure is available in the office of the Provost.
A student may enter the University of Bridgeport as a freshman, but with advanced standing toward a degree. Advanced standing may be achieved by taking the Advanced Placement examinations administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. A score of three or above allows the student to earn up to eight credits in one subject area. Well qualified students may also earn advanced placement by taking courses for college credit while in secondary school. Information regarding Advanced Placement is available in the Office of Admissions.
A full-time student who, in a given semester, completes 12 or more semester hours with a quality point ratio of 3.7 or higher and with no incomplete grades is named to the President’s List at the end of that semester. A part-time student who is matriculated and who, during a regular academic year, completes 12 or more semester hours with a quality point ratio of 3.7 or higher and with no incomplete grades is named to the President’s List at the end of the academic year.
A full-time student who, in a given semester, completes 12 or more semester hours with a quality point ratio of 3.2 or higher and with no incomplete grades is named to the Dean’s List at the end of that semester. A part-time student who is matriculated and who, during a regular academic year, completes 12 or more semester hours with a quality point ratio of 3.2 or higher and with no incomplete grades is named to the Dean’s List at the end of that academic year.
Honor societies include Phi Kappa Phi, all University; Beta Alpha, accounting; Delta Mu Delta, business administration; Sigma Phi Alpha, dental hygiene; Alpha Sigma Lambda, part-time students; Pi Gamma Mu, international and national social science; Eta Kappa Nu, electrical engineering; Upsilon Pi Epsilon, computer science; and Sigma Xi, research and scholarship; Lambda Pi Eta (The National Communication Studies Honor Society); Theta Alpha Kappa (The National Religious Studies Honor Society); Pi Sigma Alpha (The National Political Science Honor Society); Sigma Iota Rho, The Honor Society for International Studies; Phi Sigma Lota (Honor Society of Languages), Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice Honor Society).
The stipulations in the list immediately below are only those which are common to the awarding of the Bachelor’s degree. However, requirements specific to each College or School and to individual curricula and disciplines within each College or School also exist. The student must be especially careful to note all of these, since fulfillment of graduation requirements is the individual student’s responsibility. No permission for deviation from published requirements is official unless it is made in writing and signed by the senior administrator of the College or School from which the degree is sought. It is recognized that the requirements for graduation in individual Schools may change. A student must meet the requirements for graduation which are current at the time of graduation, and consistent to the greatest extent possible with the degree requirements in existence at the time of the student’s entry into the major. However, whenever a program is altered it is the University’s responsibility to translate the student’s previously completed work into the new program requirements so that the continuously enrolled student is not penalized for the adaptation. The only exception would be when the state or other licensing agency imposes a new requirement. The common requirements for awarding the Bachelor’s degree follow.
If a student earns a grade of “D” or “F” in a course in the major field, he or she retake that course and earn a “C-” or better. The student must have earned the number of semester hours of credit required by the College or School and must not deviate from the curriculum as displayed in this catalog without the written approval of the appropriate senior academic administrator or his/her designate.
Candidates for graduation who have completed at least sixty semester hours of academic course work at the University of Bridgeport in their junior and senior years are eligible for honors upon recommendation of the appropriate College faculty. The following standards are used:
The Associate’s degree may be awarded cum laude to a candidate with a minimum quality point ratio of 3.2 and magna cum laude to those with 3.5. A minimum of 45 semester hours must have been earned at the University of Bridgeport.
The University of Bridgeport holds one Commencement Ceremony in May. Students who have completed all degree requirements are eligible to participate in the May Commencement Ceremony. Students do not have to apply to graduate but must confirm their interest in participating in the ceremony via the Graduation Application after being pre-certified by faculty. Designated faculty within each academic program will pre-certify a student’s eligibility to graduate prior to the mid-point of the semester from which a student is graduating.
A graduation fee of $150 per degree is assessed upon pre-certification, whether or not a student participates in the ceremony.
Diplomas are mailed to the confirmed address on the Graduation Application by the student within 30 days after the certification of degree has been completed at the end of the term for which a student is graduating. Release of diplomas is dependent on all graduation requirements and financial obligations to the University of Bridgeport (including Perkins Loans) being satisfied. If you have a change of address during the course of the graduation process, please completed the Change of Address webform via the student UB portal, so that your record can be updated. If unsure confirm the mailing address on file before the diploma and complimentary transcript are mailed.
The University of Bridgeport has authorized Parchment, Inc. to provide transcript ordering online. You can order transcripts using any major credit card. Your card will only be charged after your order has been completed.
To order an official transcript(s), login to the Parchment Exchange secure site via the student portal for active UB accounts or via www.parchment.com for inactive UB accounts. The site will walk you through placing your order, including delivery options and fees.
You can order as many transcripts as you like in a single session. A processing fee per recipient. Order updates will be emailed to you from Parchment. You can also track your order online via parchment.com.